Entertainment Magazine

Friday Box Office: No ‘Fault’ In These Stars

Posted on the 07 June 2014 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

1) The Fault In Our Stars- 26.1M Friday, 54-57M Weekend

Technically, the 26.1M on Friday includes 8M from Thursday night, meaning the film really made about 18M on Friday. Allowing for a larger than normal Friday box office, because of fan hype, it should finish in the mid 50′s for the weekend. That’s HUGE for this film.

2) Edge Of Tomorrow- 10.6M Friday, 27-28M Weekend

Not quite as epic of an opening as I’m sure the studio wanted, but with good word of mouth, Edge Of Tomorrow could do well in the long run. Next weekend will make it or break it.

3) Maleficent- 10.1M Friday, 32-34M Weekend

Maleficent will get a pickup on the weekend, and pass Edge Of Tomorrow for the weekend.

4) X-Men: Days Of Future Past- 4.5M Friday, 15-16M Weekend

5) A Million Ways To Die In The West- 2.2M Friday, 7M Weekend

Huge drop.

6) Godzilla- 1.7M Friday, 5.5 Weekend

7) Neighbors- 1.6M Friday, 4.5M Weekend

8) Blended- 1.2M Friday, 4M Weekend

9) Chef- 0.7M Friday, 2M Weekend

10) Million Dollar Arm- 0.5M Friday, 1.5M Weekend

11) The Amazing Spider-Man 2- 0.5M Friday, 1.5M Weekend

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