Jurassic World launched on Friday with an estimated 83M, which includes 18.5M from Thursday night previews. That’s a pretty amazing start to what is already a successful run. It already stands to outgross Jurassic Park 3, just on opening weekend alone. JP3 opened in 2001 to 50.7M, and eventually made 181.1M domestically. Some predictions now have Jurassic World going as high as 200M. It managed an A cinemascore, and a 71% on Rotten Tomatoes despite a late review embargo allowing reviews to be posted only a day or two ahead of the opening. Usually, not a good sign. In this case, it didn’t matter. Everyone loved Jurassic World. It’s a good thing too, because EW is reporting that Chris Pratt is signed on for more Jurassic movies. Despite heavy competition, Spy is holding well, sliding only 45% in week 2.
1) Jurassic World- 83M Friday, 190-200M Weekend
2) Spy- 4.7M Friday, 15.5M Weekend
3) San Andreas- 3.1M Friday, 10.5M Weekend
4) Insidious 3- 2.6M Friday, 7.5M Weekend
5) Pitch Perfect 2- 1.9M Friday, 5.7M Weekend
6) Entourage- 1.3M Friday, 4.1M Weekend
7) Mad Max: Fury Road- 1.1M Friday, 4M Weekend
8) Tomorrowland- 1M Friday, 3.6M Weekend
9) Avengers: Age Of Ultron- 1M Friday, 3.6M Weekend
10) Love and Mercy- 476K Friday, 1.5M Weekend