Fashion Magazine

Fresh Start

By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy


First of all, I wish each and every one of you all the best for this year. May it be the best year ever!
I needed a full day to recover from quite the NYE party, but it was all worth it. Let’s say I started the year with a bang, and lots of gin tonics.
January always feels like a bit of a hangover, since December was sooooo much fun for me and now it’s all back to normal. January is never my most inspiring month! Then again, wouldn’t be a bad thing to get a little bit more done work wise than I did in December.
This is what I’m wearing today (yesterday was all PJ’s of course). I’ve been wanting to tell you about these trousers. I saw them at a sample sale on the rack and absolutely loved te soft leather. Then I saw it was torn at the knee, but I thought: that’s easily fixable. I got it out of the rack and when trying it on my leather pant-dream was almost over because I saw it was a size L, which is not my size. Being stubborn, I tried it on anyway and was happily surprised by the baggy fit of the trousers and I actually really like the fact that it’s torn as well, gives it just that little extra. So, tip of the day: try leather trousers in a size or 2 bigger sometimes, you could be pleasantly surprised!

Bomber jacket: Estradeur
Sweater: COS (men’s)
Leather trousers: Samsøe & Samsøe
Trainers: Nike Air Max 1

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