Food & Drink Magazine

French Toast

By Fizz @ThePoetsAlley

French Toast
Serves:1Ingredients   1 - egg   40 ml - milk   1/2 tsp - cinnamon or vanilla essence   2-3 Slices of Bread1 tbsp butter or 1tbsp oil
Method1.   Beat the eggs, milk, and cinnamon/essence together. 2.   Dip a slice of bread into the egg mixture, allowing bread to soak up some of the mixture. (But do not let it soak for a long time otherwise, it will break)3.   Melt some butter (or use vegetable oil) in a pan on medium heat. 4.   Add as many slices of bread onto the pan as will fit at a time. 5.   Fry until brown on both sides, flipping the bread when necessary.6.   Serve with Honey.
Note: In case, you do not have honey, you can always add 1tbsp sugar to the milk mixture to sweeten it up or else can sprinkle sugar on the breads after you put it on the pan. I prefer the first option. The reason being, that in the second option, the sugar caramelizes very quickly and ends up sticking to the pan.
Also Read:
The French Didn't Invent The "French Toast"? 

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