Family Magazine

FREEBIE: Reading Calendar Book (ALL)

By Catherine Mcdiarmid-Watt @frugalfreebies
Image: Free Reading Calendar BookThe Reading Calendar is a FREE service to educators offered by High Noon Books, a division of Academic Therapy Publications.
Dr. Michael Milone introduced the concept at the annual conference of the International Reading Association in Phoenix in 2009, where teachers received it enthusiastically.
The PDF file contains a daily reading calendar based on the high-interest, low readability book Throwing the Game, from the series entitled The Fixers.  
The Fixers is about a former computer hacker named Shane and his friend Lena, a former gang member, who now put their unique skills to good use around town whenever a problematic situation needs "fixing."
The Fixers is written at a 1st grade readability level and is recommended for ages 14 and up.
Previous semester's books can be downloaded from The Reading Calendar.
Click for your free Reading Calendar
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