Family Magazine

FREEBIE: Colouring Books About Autism (ALL)

By Catherine Mcdiarmid-Watt @frugalfreebies
Image: Free Colouring Book About AutismTemple Grandin is an animal scientist, autism advocate and a person with autism.
Diagnosed with autism long before the condition was well understood, Temple Grandin has since become one of its leading spokespeople, as well as an animal expert and bestselling author.
Her free coloring book is 32 pages filled with detailed illustrations of Temple Grandin’s life from her early non- verbal years, college life, her work as a scientist and engineer designing factory farming equipment that is kinder to animals. It is a beautifully illustrated and informative coloring book about Grandin’s life and autism that children and adults will enjoy.
HBO has partnered with Barnes and Noble and Project Onward to tell Temple Grandin's story through pictures, in the hopes of fostering a deeper understanding of the one in 150 kids diagnosed with autism today. All of the illustrations in this book were created by autistic artists through a partnership with the Project Onward initiative.
Click here to download colouring book
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