Family Magazine
On a forgotten stretch of Old Highway 10, perched ominously on a hill behind a dreary motel, looms the intimidating edifice of the spooky house belonging to Norman Bates - make your own spooky 3D paper model!
• Liberty Square Haunted Mansion
• New Orleans Haunted Mansion
• Phantom Manor
• "Torre del Cielo"
• The Infamous Amityville Horror House
• Screamhouse Resurrection
• The Skoolhouse
and many more!
Haunted Dimensions is a gateway for art by Ray Keim, news related to Disney's haunted mansion attractions, the haunt industry, FREE spooky 3D paper models, gingerbread architecture, photologs of "haunted" places and all things Halloweeny.
Click for free spooky 3D paper models
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