Arts & Crafts Magazine

Free Ultimate Wedding Planner & Organizer

By Fanciestrands @fanciestrands
Free Ultimate Wedding Planner & Organizer

Free Ultimate Wedding Planner & Organizer

This is for all of you lucky brides that are planning a wedding in 2015 or beyond!
Today I wanted to share a wedding organizer I came across from russellandhazel. Not only is is Free but it covers every single detail you could ever imagine. The organizer is designed around a binder so you can easily add or remove pages and tailor it to your individual needs. I am totally impressed how well each worksheet is so carefully designed with each one including all of the important little details that are a must. The list is very comprehensive and you can choose the worksheets that apply to your wedding and download as many and as often as you would like. Oh! and be sure to check out theirsite too – I am loving the SmartDate System.

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