Lifestyle Magazine

Free Printable Lunchbox Jokes

By Secondchancesgirl
Back to school is in full swing in our home. It has now been a few weeks and I realized I haven't shared back to school pictures with you yet (I know, bad blogger). It's getting increasingly difficult to get things done with a 5th, 6th and 7th grader in the house. They have tons of work and after-school activities to keep track of (thank goodness for planners!) and emotions to keep in check.  Add in packing lunches and our house is full of chaos.  
Adrian started first on August 16th:
Free Printable Lunchbox Jokes
with Amberly and Gian starting on August 20th:
Free Printable Lunchbox Jokes
Going back to school isn't easy on kids either. My youngest gets super nervous on the first day, especially this year when he realized he was by himself at school (Amberly and Adrian have moved onto other schools). I knew I had to make the second day better. I found a way for him to get the attention he craved. I sent a joke in his luchbox. When he pulled it out at lunch, everyone laughed at his joke and immediately he was in his zone.  I make sure to pack him a different joke everyday just so he has new material!!
Free Printable Lunchbox Jokes
I found these free lunchbox joke printables on Personal Creations. They have so many to choose from and they are FREE!!! Just download and print!
Free Printable Lunchbox Jokes
Make your kids day, pack them a lunchbox joke in their lunch and watch them come home and tell you all sort of stories about their day! No more "good" when you ask them how their day went, I promise you!

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