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Free Porn – Destroying Our Lives One Brain Cell at a Time

Posted on the 24 January 2017 by Ruby Mariah @rubymariah22
Free Porn – Destroying Our Lives One Brain Cell at a Time

Let’s face it – we no longer live in a generation when you had to go down to the CD place down the street and buy porn. People now have access to porn as easily as anything else. The internet has blockers, filters, and restrictions to prevent porn from becoming too common of a search, but we all know how well that worked out.

Now that we have talked about how easy it is to access porn, let’s talk about how easy it is for children to access porn on the web. Let’s just say it’s as easy as finding the last Justin Bieber song. There are age restrictions and limits that were made so that children were not watching porn. These restrictions are programmed in such a way that only the people that are over 18 years of age could access the websites. However, these restrictions are pretty close to useless, since all you have to do is press “Yes, I am 18+”, and Voila! You’re in. Such easy access to porn is the reason that almost 40% of children access porn sites at least once a week.

You’re probably thinking “What’s all this fuss about?” They are going to be eighteen one day and will start watching porn, why stop them now? Well, we’ve made a list of things that might be enough to change your whole perspective.

Effects on a Child’s Mind

Porn has an extremely long-lasting effect on a human mind – or a child’s mind for that matter. If children start watching porn at such an early age, it can only mean disaster for them. This is the age when they start learning things and if they start watching porn, it could bring nothing but the danger to their lives.

Dropping Grades

If a child watches porn frequently, it’s only a matter of days before their grades take a slide down the hill. If the children start watching porn, they will think about nothing other than porn. It doesn’t matter if they’re eating, sleeping or even studying. Soon enough, porn becomes an obsession and there’s no stopping them once they’re in it.

Health Hazards

If someone watches porn repeatedly, it’s pretty obvious that they’ll jack off later as well. Some people are not familiar with this, while most don’t try to be, but, there are hundreds of dangers to the well-being of a person when he masturbates excessively. If this carries on for some time, it won’t take much time for the child to make his way into a hospital bed.

False Thinking

Porn often comprises of creative stories. These stories involve Pizza delivery men, plumber, and Nurses. If you keep watching porn videos constantly, eventually you’ll expect the nurse to blow you every time you go to get your teeth checked. These are the people that are most likely to get arrested for sexual assaults in the near future.

How Can You Stop Your Children?

So the question is how to break your kid’s porn addiction? This is a pretty fragile position and one step in the wrong direction could ruin the entire situation. So, we made a list of things a parent could do to make sure their child doesn’t start watching porn.

  • Make sure that they don’t get unlimited time with their phones.
  • Sit next to them if they stare into their phones for too long.
  • Enforce a “Bed Time” after which they can’t stay awake.

If you still feel that your child is watching porn, then the only thing you can do to get rid of your doubt is to start using TheOnespy parental monitoring application for kids.

What is TOS Parental Monitoring Application?

TOS – Parental Monitoring Application is specially made for parents so they can keep an eye on their children. This spying app contains several online monitoring features so that you can keep an eye on the online activities of your children easily. It allows you to view their browsing history including the one that they might have erased. It also allows you to block any inappropriate website that they might be visiting frequently.

You can also monitor the conversations of instant Messenger installed on your teen’s smartphone and tablets i.e. Facebook chat, WhatsApp, Google Hangouts, Viber, Yahoo Messenger, Line, IMO, Skype and much more. TheOneSpy can monitor and track the conversations of more than 16 most popular instant Messengers (IM’s)

You will also remotely spy on your kid’s surroundings by using cam bugging and mic bugging feature to make sure they are not in the restricted or prohibited areas.

Hence, no matter what, TheOneSpy application make sure that you can safeguard the mind of your child and keep him or her away from all the dangers that this world can pose to them.

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