Debate Magazine

Free Planet - Punishing Acts of Agression

Posted on the 02 August 2011 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
Free Planet - punishing acts of agressionas the seven billion re-LOCAL-ized citizens of the free-floating free-planet Diversities, we should aim to heavily police ANY FORM OF ACTS OF AGGRESSION.
And by this you suppose I mean war or take-over or personal assault.
But let's try to redefine ACTS OF AGGRESSION.
Acts of aggression: (n) any occassion where one forces one's opinion upon another.
I'm talking, here, of course about WAR and ESPIONAGE and SLAVERY. But I'm also talking about education and morals and beliefs. I'm talking about credo and righteousness, and right off the bat you're gonna go, "Hey, hypocrit, what about your Free Planet dogma?"
Remember, there's only one rule of Fight Club, I mean Free Planet, "Do right by free planet and free planet will do right by you," and it has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH PERSONAL AGENDA and everything to do with protecting this delicate homeworld from the ravages of private greed in the name of profit, in the name of Corporate Empirism.
It's not that complex a dictat, and you don't need a SIXTEEN TRILLION DOLLAR defecit to promote such to the people of this 'soon-to-be-healing hoomeworld'. You don't need to advertise it. In fact, it would be ILLEGAL to advertise it, when it's already common knowledge.
It's just common sense, based on an agreed Foundation of Condition.
As is the knowledge within everyone's heart of the difference between right and wrong. Do right by free planet. That's all there is. It's not at all hard. And best of all it'll be up to those newly localised Divdersities to interpret that single edict in the best way they see fit.
Any act of aggression will be counter-productive to the Free Planet ideal - and you might think that's contradictory to the term 'free planet' but it doesn't actually mean that. Free Planet isn't about DOING WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT, we've already been through that Empire of a Nightmare. And it doesn't work. Kids don't know what's right and wrong. We have to help them understand their role on this planet. We have to hand-hold our young so they can hand-hold theirs, and so on.
Oh, and speaking of nightmares, last night I had a SPECTACULAR ALIEN INVASION dream ... anyway, as you were. No marketing. No publicity. No campaigns. No forced indoctrination in ANY MODE OF THOUGHT. No imprisonment behind any edict or logos. No acquiescence to 'the norm' or 'arbitrary-ised rationality'. You've got a great idea, good: keep it within your own Diversity. If people wanna really know about it, "They'll ask!"
And, in summary, it's not even really about PUNISHING these mind-raping acts of aggression and more about sponsoring a positive attitude towards (and reward of) non-aggressive acts, collaboration and solution-finding to MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE for our children's children.
"Leave this planet better than you found it," by DOING RIGHT by Free Planet via Creativity, Passion and Kinship.

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