Debate Magazine


Posted on the 25 January 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
Free Planet - AN END TO MARKETINGWow, is that really our global future - AN END TO MARKETING?
Of course that's our Global Future.
Why don't you understand that IF THERE ARE NO STATE OR PRIVATE SECRETS you don't need to be sold about something 'you might not need'.
MARKETING is defined as "the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising."
Well, if there's NOTHING TO SELL to the 'punter' on a Free Planet, what's the point in employing people to market 'some inferior product' to them for private profit?
Absolutely none.
And we can extend this out of the incestuous Buyer/Seller back-bedroom into the open sewer of IDEAS and DOCTRINES.
No longer will 'supposed' organised religion be able to hammer home their insane ideas of how their corporate world works in the classrooms of the mind-crippled masses, the god-carroted donkeys of social programming.
No longer will politicians be able to spend barrowloads of money to make their 'election' as ruler to appear worthwhile.
No longer will ABSOLUTELY RUBBISH and UNETHICAL products, gadgets and quantum technological advances (i.e. a miniscule update rather than real advancement) every three years of every human's life.
So, in the Free Planet future, you will not be looking through a tiny window slit of screen acrage left by the infiltration of insidious online advertisement strategies - whatever th'Internet physically becomes, and I say this with a northern accent - th-Internet will be a place of Creativity, Passion and Kinship as it was always intended to be. A place where TRUTHs are SHAREd with YOU THE PEOPLE.
In our Free Planet future, there will be no Commercial Competition to Maximise Return. There will only be that desire, that personal empowerment, to "Do right by Free Planet," and (together, as seven billion sovereign individuals) make this profit-ruined homeworld a better place. Get rid of marketing and you get rid of the desire to constantly out-Jones the Joneses.
It's dead simple, really.

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