"Am I performing an invaluable service to Free Planet?" this is the question I'm wondering if anyone out there is asking. "Is ANYONE even thinking about Free Planet?" "And why should they?" These, and many other questions, are what I've been asking myself since deciding to write the Devil's Advocate 'free planet series' novels Custodian and Liberator just to gauge reaction to such a 'bewildering concept'. Just to show you how HORRIBLE such a world could be if we don't all want it. If we don't support the real version of our lives, as opposed to the pre-Fabricated Education-driven Dogma-funded Lie. I have to be honest with you, it's a very emotional day for me. I can't not say this. I'm seriously conflicted about EVERYTHING I'VE EVER THOUGHT WAS RIGHT AND PROPER FOR ME TO BE THINKING ABOUT. Or doing... And that's not an easy thing to say. But (let's call a spade a spade) I just can't let anything that's not 'free planet' take control of my mind, right now. I have to ride this 'free planet' wave out. No matter where it takes me. No matter what the cost. THE WORLD MUST BE TOLD: Free Planet is here, has always been here, for all of us who want it.