Family Magazine

Free App, Plus Money-maker!!

By Catherine Mcdiarmid-Watt @frugalfreebies

The CLUTTER-FREE Kids Keepsake Solution:

Class Keeper App. 

  1. Fill out the form on this page. 
  2. You will get emails to tell you how to download the app. 
  3. Give a review. 
  4. Report to DeniseAlbright where your review is located. 
  5. Get a $25 voucher to shop for other DeniseAlbright products. (gratitude journals, stickers, ... some great stuff for Easter and Teacher Appreciation) 
  6. You are entered in a weekly drawing to win a free Year Subscription to the app.

TRY IT OUT -- Give a Review - Get a $25 voucher! (ad)

NOTE: Prices are accurate at the time of posting. Prices can change at any time.

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