Business Magazine

Frank Schilling’s Registrar Is Live; The Good & The Bad

Posted on the 19 March 2014 by Worldwide @thedomains

Frank Schilling just rolled out Version 1 of his long anticipated registrar under Uniregistry as it went live today. was going to be the name of the registrar but its now or shortly will be forwarded to

The registrar which was obviously built for the new gTLD’s, or as Frank like to call them the new G’,  is a bare bone’s registrar.

Its not glamorous in design and doesn’t offer a lot (or any) up-sells at the moment by design.

We got any early preview of the registrar and had a chance to chat with Frank over the last couple of days and here is our review of the registrar:

The Good:


For new gTLD’s domain name registrations is cheaper than which currently has 35% of the new gTLD market.

If you want to register a domain in the most popular new gTLD extension .Guru it will cost you (rack rate) at $39.99.

At Uniregistry it will cost you $29.99 for the same domain.

A savings of about 30%.

.Photography, the 2nd most popular new gTLD (now the 3rd after .Berlin which is not available now on will set you back $24.99 for a registration at Godaddy.

At the price is for a .Photography domain name is  $19.99 a nice 20% savings.

A domain registration under .Diamonds will cost you $69.99 at Godaddy but only $49.99 at

The saving are pretty much across the board compared to Godaddy but it should be noted that  Godaddy is one of the most expensive registrars for new gTLD domains.

If your curious for Uniregistry extensions,  .Sexy is priced at $19.88 compared to the rack rate of $22.98 at Uniregistry’s top domain registrar at the moment Enom and .Tattoo is priced at $29.88 at Uniregistrar compared to $31.99 at Enom.

Free Privacy

Uniregistry is not charging anything for Privacy.

Matter of fact the default registration is to register domains under privacy.

I personally don’t use Privacy but many registrars are making millions if not tens or hundreds of millions charging people extra for privacy so that is a huge advantage for those that use privacy.

For those that don’t you will have to select public registration if you don’t want it to be private at the moment each time you register a domain or group of domains.

Gmail Integration

According to Uniregistrar Uniregistrar has an instant gmail integration feature, which will “Instantly get the email for any domain you own, and manage it immediately through Gmail for no extra charge.

Social Media Forwarding

Uniregistrar is offering free domain name forwarding to “your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and LinkedIn, or to another domain name”.

The Bad

No Pre-orders

You cannot pre-order or pre-register a domain on a soon to be released new gTLD domain extension including domain extensions owned by Frank Schilling sister company

You can’t for example put in a pre-order, for a .photo a .pics or  a .link new gTLD domain, which are in the next batch of new gTLD’s that will go live on Uniregistry.

You can go to several registrars and pre-order a .pics domain name,  for example, is taking pre-orders for a .pics domain for $19.99 but on Uniregistrar you cannot pre-order or pre-register the domain.

So a pre-order at another registrar could well get processed before an attempted registration on once the extension is live

No Early Access Program For Donuts and Rightside domains.

If you want to get use the  early access program to acquire any of Donuts or Rightside registry domains you won’t be able to order them on Uniregistrar.

Uniregistrar is not taking the Early Access Program (EAP) hat Donuts and Rightside are offering.

No Premium Domains

Another thing you won’t be able to do on is register any “premium new gTLD domains”

Domain names that have been designed by the relevant registry as a premium domain with premium domain pricing are not available to be registered on

Take the domain name X.Singles which is currently available for registration on Godaddy for $1,499.00.

That domain,  X.Singles cannot be registered on

Many domains of Donuts, Rightside Minds + Machines that are available to be registered on a premium annual basis are not being carried by Uniregistry at least right now.

Uniregistry is grouping some new gTLD’s into categories rather than individually.

If you want to search only a particular new gTLD extension it maybe grouped with other domains.

If you want a .Guru domain you will have to find it on the drop down menu with the group they assigned it to, which is not alphabetical, so you may have to hunt and peck around if you are looking to search for just one particular extension, especially as hundreds get added, although I suspect most will search for all extensions at once, which works perfectly fine.

In the long run I’m sure that Frank’s Uniregistry will gain a relevant market share.

Remember This is only V1 and there is more to come in short order.

Best of luck to Mr. Schilling and his team.


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