
France: 10 Dead in 24 Hours, “net Increase” in Viral Circulation

Posted on the 24 July 2020 by Harsh Sharma @harshsharma9619


(Paris) Viral circulation is “sharply increasing” in France, with more than 1000 new cases of coronavirus per day, and the epidemic has made ten new deaths in hospitals, the Directorate General of Health (DGS) announced on Friday.

Posted on 24 July 2020 at 13 h 46

France Media Agency

“We have returned to levels comparable to those at the end of the confinement period. We have thus erased a good part of the progress that we had made in the first weeks of deconfinement ”, regrets the DGS.

The epidemic has made 07 dead since Thursday in hospitals, bearing the total number of deaths at 28 192 People.

Since the start of the epidemic, 13 676 people died in hospitals and 10 516 in social and medico-social establishments.

The next update of the figures for social and medico-social establishments will take place on 27 July.

In total, 5720 people are hospitalized for COVID – 13, including 410 in intensive care, or 26 less than Thursday.

The virus's effective reproduction rate (or “effective R”, based on positive virological tests) is now 1.3, which means that each patient with COVID – 19 infects an average of 1.3 other people, a rate that is increasing.

Since May 9, 581 grouped cases (or “clusters”) have been detected but 215 are “closed”, notes the DGS. 215 households are therefore still active at 19 July, including 11 new detected since the day before.

A “cluster” is defined by the occurrence of at least three confirmed or probable cases, within a period of 7 days, which belong to the same community or took part in the same gathering.

“It is more than ever necessary to find a collective discipline: teleworking, the reduction of unnecessary exposure and especially the test in the slightest doubt (410 000 tests carried out per week), automatic isolation in case of symptoms or contact with a carrier of the virus or a sick person are essential to limit the epidemic resumption, ”recalls the DGS.

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