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Fox News’ Eric Bolling Has Been Suspended For Sexual Harassment

Posted on the 06 August 2017 by Sumithardia

Fox News’ Eric Bolling Has Been Suspended For Sexual Harassment
Fox News’ Eric Bolling Has Been Suspended For Sexual Harassment


Does your CV have to include “extensive experience in being creepy towards women” somewhere to work there? Fox News host Eric Bolling is the latest employee of the network to be suspended pending an internal investigation into accusations of sexual harassment. Eric is allegedly the selfless type of man who will send a gal a dick pic without being asked.

The Huffington Post (via NBC) reported yesterday that Trump-happy Eric, the co-host of Fox News’ The Specialists, allegedly sent “an unsolicited photo of male genitalia” to at least three colleagues. Two of these alleged victims reportedly work at Fox News, and the other is said to work at Fox Business. The texts were supposedly sent several years ago. I assume this was back when former corpulent sexual predator and current dead guy Roger Ailes was running the show and the place was (is?) run like a game preserve full of women for these slobs to hunt in.

The Paul Weiss law firm, which investigated disgraced former Fox News loudmouth Bill Reilly for the same reason as Eric, is running the show. Apparently, there is a whole slew of people that claim Eric is a freak. And not the good kind. (The good kind of freak thinks consent is sexy and uses the padded leather cuffs instead of the metal ones. How dare you judge me!)

HuffPost’s report cited 14 sources. The publication did not reveal the sources’ names, but said they are current and former Fox colleagues of Bolling’s who recognized the phone number to be his based on previous work-related and informal communications.

Four sources claim to have seen the alleged unfortunate photos, and eight others were clued in by the alleged recipients who expressed that they were “upset and offended by it.” One of the alleged recipients claims to have texted Eric back and told him to cut the shit and never send her anything like that again. He didn’t respond. He probably figured he’d lay low and pretend it never happened until the US elected a pussy-grabbing president who’d make that sort of behavior legal.

Eric’s legal rep, Micheal J. Bowe, is doing his job and says that Eric didn’t do it.

“The anonymous, uncorroborated claims are untrue and terribly unfair. We intend to fully cooperate with the investigation so that it can be concluded and Eric can return to work as quickly as possible.”

It takes a special kind of fool to just bomb you with a dick pic. Even people who like dick would prefer to request it first. You’re going through your texts and “oh, this number seems sort of familiar” and bam – PENIS! What if you’re on the subway? What if you were just looking at pics from your great-grandmother’s birthday party? “Oh, here’s Great-Gramma Joyce with the hat we bought her and WHOA AND THAT’S A DICK.” Now you’re going to equate Great-Gramma Joyce’s 86th birthday party with that inappropriate asshole at work for the rest of your life.

Pic: Instagram

Source: Fox News’ Eric Bolling Has Been Suspended For Sexual Harassment

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