Comic Books Magazine
Fowler & Bonvillain Join Rat Queens #11 in August
Posted on the 01 July 2015 by Comicscritic @comicscritic
FOWLER AND BONVILLAIN JOIN THE RAT QUEENSSejic’s departure signals the return of Fowler to the Rat Queens universe
Beginning with Rat Queens #11, artists Tess Fowler & Tamra Bonvillain will replace Stjepan Sejic on the series. Here’s a preview of Rat Queens #11, on sale August 12th, 2015 from Image Comics. Press ReleaseOne thing that RAT QUEENS fans know for certain is that when one of the good guys goes down in a fight, another steps forward to help swing the tide of battle back in their favor. So, as Stjepan Sejic steps down, two new artists step up to join the New York Times bestselling RAT QUEENS team.Shadowline/Image Comics is pleased to announce that the wonderfully skilled artist Tess Fowler—who received critical acclaim for her work on RAT QUEENS: BRAGA SPECIAL #1—will be taking over as series artist with issue #11. Joining her will be Tamra Bonvillain the title’s first colorist!“I am very indebted to Stjepan Sejic for coming to my aid and doing a fantastic job on the two issues he helped us with,” said series writer and co-creator Kurtis J. Wiebe. “Looking to the future of Rat Queens, I needed people who understood what the series has become known for, and there was no other team I could imagine doing a better job than Tess and Tamra!”Fowler added: “I’m excited to be returning to explore the world of Rat Queens with Kurtis. The fact that I’m wading in with Tamra by my side makes the adventure that much sweeter.”Readers may recognize Bonvillain’s name from her coloring work on PISCES, which is also written by Wiebe.“Truth is,” said Sejic on the CBR forum, “this was a bad year for me health-wise. I believe Rat Queens fans deserve better than a delay after delay on such a wonderful book, so I offered to step down.” While Sejic had to cut back due to his workload and illness, he will continue to do covers for the series through issue #15.RAT QUEENS #11 (Diamond Code: MAR150504) is due to hit stores on August 12th. The final order cutoff for retailers is July 20th.