Business Magazine

Four Undeniably Real Reasons Serious Businesses Should Start Using Google Plus

Posted on the 03 April 2013 by Elizabethlmaness @elizbethlmaness

businesses using Google PlusBusinesses Should Start Using Google Plus

If you're using social media and the Internet in the hopes of connecting with customers, expanding your opportunities and growing your business, there's something you need to know. 

You need to have an account on Google Plus, and you need to be using it Using it now and you need to use it often.

I know that getting really comfortable with using another social network feels like one more thing to do. And if you're still not on Google Plus just yet, it's likely because that's exactly what you think of it.

But honestly – if you're not using it, you might well be making one of the biggest mistakes of your business life.  This is a platform that could have huge benefits for your business (and your own personal career). 

Are you truly serious about your career and your brand?  Then here are 4 reasons you need to begin using Google Plus today.

1.   Because You're Not Just Like Everyone Else

A lot of people think that Google Plus is overkill because everyone's on Facebook (or Twitter or fill in the blank).  Don't get me wrong – you shouldn't avoid platforms where your customers are. But it's also why you need to be elsewhere in order to be seen as a leader in your field. Leaders don't do anything just because everyone else does.

If your business exists to fill a niche and bring something unique to your field, you need to stand out as unique, independent. And people who are independent are willing to move into uncharted territory.  And trust me – no matter your niche, you will find some pretty amazing thought leaders on Google Plus, without all of the extra noise on their Facebook pages.

2.   Because It's Where the Passionate People Are

So, I know there are a lot of people you might think are passionate on Facebook and Twitter, but for the most part, it seems like they're passionate about things like politics, food and entertainment.  No offense, but that's not exactly what I'm talking about.

The kind of passion  I'm describing is the kind that comes from being passionate about new developments in your field, new technologies, or other kinds of new ideas that are in service to people.  And right now, because it is new and more "serious" than Google Plus, it's filled with people who have that kind of passion for what they do.  Chances are, you can interact with them in circles and communities a whole lot more in depth than if you were to randomly shoot them an e-mail or two. And this way, lots of people can get to know your expertise at the same time.


  3.Because It's Just More Professional Looking

When you're building a professional presence on social media, it helps to be using a platform with a professional design. Google Plus is a business builder's best friend – especially when it comes to the crisp, clean images on its mobile platform.

          4. Because It's Google

We've talked about the Google Plus SEO advantage on a number of occasions, and it's not likely we'll stop talking about it any time soon – because it's one of the most important reasons your business should have a robust presence on Google Plus.  But here's the thing – Google search indexes Google Plus. It adds SEO value to your WordPress blog or website if you've connected the two via Google Authorship. And the more Google related properties you're using, the more these things will all work together to boost your ranking in Google search.

If you're at all serious about building your business online, you must start using Google Plus.  Period. 

What's your Google Plus profile link?  Do you have a page for your business as well?  Leave a link below in the comments – let's get connected!

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