The lovely people at Hen and Hammock sent me tomato seeds to try, I started sowing them in the greenhouse today. Four Coloured Tomatoes are a box pack of heritage varieties called Black Russian, Golden Sunrise, Pink Brandywine and Green Zebra, varieties I’ve never grown or tasted before so I’m very excited about growing and eating them.

Each variety packet contains approximately 15 seeds, with a detailed description on the front and full instructions on how to grow them.

Heritage or heirloom tomatoes are old-fashioned varieties with excellent flavour, they come in many shapes, colours and sizes, quite different to the usual red supermarket tomato.

I’m looking forward to watching the seeds grow and then eventually fruit, the greenhouse will be full of interesting colours late summer.
Filed under: Product Reviews Tagged: black russian tomatoes, four coloured tomatoes, golden sunrise tomatoes, green zebra tomatoes, hen and hammock, heritage tomato varieties, heritage tomatoes, pink brandywine tomatoes