Fashion Magazine

Found: Aria’s Green Dress from Pretty Little Liars

By Covethercloset @covethercloset
Aria pretty little liar green dress urban outfitters season three fashion blog covet her closet deals how to wearCopyright ABC Family

Season Three of Pretty Little Liars has been full of amazing fashion.  Check out Aria’s cute green dress above.  The Silence and Noise dress is from Urban Outfitters and it is currently on sale for $39.99!

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Aria pretty little liar green dress urban outfitters season three fashion blog covet her closet how to wear promo code sale trends 2012

The reason this dress is unique is because of the adorable back.  Aria has been full of surprises lately, wearing items that showcase her attributes.  Small busted girls can emphasize their back and look just as sexy as those that show off their front.

The outfit is definitely made complete with her accessories.  Namely, the green statement necklace from Anthropologie and the vintage belt.  Adorable.  I would never have looked twice at this dress, but with the right accessories, this outfit is a fashion home run.

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