
Forspoken Nail Designs: All Nail Design Locations, Abilities

Posted on the 05 February 2023 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

Forspoken nail designs could make or break your journey in The prophesied. Frey's nail design is a vital accessory that needs to be weaved into their banner of gear, comprised of their cloak and necklace. Forspoken nails can be found throughout the game, but the real trick is finding which design best serves the situation. It's important to assess each Forspoken nail carefully since parting ways with them won't come easily. If you're looking to take your journey head-on, then check out our guide on Forspoken nail designs in The prophesied!

What nail designs do

Nail designs are your key to success in the harbinger. A good nail design can help you tackle powerful bosses and complete complex quests in the shortest amount of time possible. By equipping up to two types of nail designs at once, you can experience increased benefits, making them one of the most integral gear pieces available. You can find them through a variety of tasks, as well as simply exploring the world around you. Pay close attention to finding and selecting the right nail design for each task and watch your Harbinger career take off!

All nail designs, what they do, and how to get them


Support Magic deals more damage when Surge Magic is fully charged

Frey spell damage +5%

Unlocked automatically during Chapter 3 of The prophesied


Healing item effect boost when health is low

All spell damage +2%

Complete the Reeve Village in The Blessed Plains area of Cipal

Blue Flash

Attack spells charge more quickly

All damage -5%

Unlocked automatically during Chapter 3 of The prophesied


Killer Blows generate a shockwave

All spell damage +2%

Unlocked automatically during Chapter 5 of The prophesied

Best nail designs to wear

  • Cipal: For an early game set, this buff to spell damage will help you get to grips with the game and power up faster.
  • Lit: Not only does this set give you a flat buff to your attacks, but if you hold onto your Surge, you get even stronger.
  • Fatale: This is a great scaling set since it gets easier to knock enemies down as you learn spells, plus it buffs all your spells from the start.
  • Flaunt: As long as you can keep your HP up, which is easy when paired with the right cloaks and necklaces, you'll be enjoying plenty of bonus damage.

How to change nail designs

Changing nail designs is surprisingly easy, not to mention exciting! Show off that creativity with all the nail designs you've unlocked and make sure to switch it up as much as you'd like. Whether it's classic solids, glitzy sparkles, or something a little more intricate - stopping by the Nails tab on your menu will have your fingers looking fierce in no time.

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