
Formidable Forms Vs Fluent Forms: Which WordPress Form Builder is Better?

Posted on the 07 May 2024 by Deb007

When it comes to creating forms on your WordPress site, you have a plethora of plugins to choose from. However, selecting the right one can be daunting. Among the popular options, Formidable Forms and Fluent Forms often stand out due to their advanced features and flexible layouts.

This article will thoroughly compare these two form builders across several key features to help you decide which one better suits your needs. Both plugins have strengths, but after evaluating their capabilities, you’ll see why Fluent Forms may be the more suitable choice for most users.

1. Pre-built Form Templates

Templates are essential, especially when you need to create complex forms but don’t have the time or expertise to build them from scratch.

Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms offers over 65 pre-designed templates, all accessible in its free version. These templates cover diverse types, such as contact forms, newsletter forms, and application forms. Customizing these templates is straightforward, enabling users to adapt them to their needs.

The diverse template collection allows you to quickly set up forms for different purposes, whether you’re running a business website, an e-commerce store, or a personal blog. This extensive variety makes Fluent Forms highly adaptable to various needs.

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms provides more templates—80+ in total. However, only 22 of these are available in the free version. The rest are locked behind a paywall, limiting the flexibility for users who need specific templates without paying for a premium plan. While the templates are high-quality, the limited availability in the free version is a drawback.

Winner: Fluent Forms

In terms of pre-built templates, Fluent Forms takes the crown for offering a wide variety of functional templates in the free version.

2. Input Fields

Input fields are vital components of any form. The more functional input fields you have, the more versatile your forms can be.

Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms excels with over 40 input fields, the majority of which are available in the free version. These fields are well-organized and cater to different form requirements. You can easily add fields for text input, numbers, dropdowns, checkboxes, and more, making Fluent Forms a versatile option for various use cases.

The fields are classified into sections like basic, advanced, and others, allowing you to find and use the field you need quickly.

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms offers only 35+ input fields, with just 13 available in the free version. The rest are locked behind a paywall, making Fluent Forms the better option for input field variety and accessibility. While the available fields are functional, the limited options in the free version restrict flexibility.

Winner: Fluent Forms

In terms of input fields, Fluent Forms provides more variety and accessibility, making it the winner in this category.

3. Ease of Use

User-friendliness is crucial when creating forms, particularly for beginners or those without coding skills.

Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms boasts a highly intuitive drag-and-drop interface, making it easy to create and preview forms. It’s user-friendly design and pre-built templates facilitate the form-creation process. The built-in preview option allows users to oversee their progress while working on their forms and adding or rearranging fields seamlessly.

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms also offers a drag-and-drop interface, but many of its pre-made templates are locked behind a paywall. Additionally, some key input fields are unavailable in the free version. Thus, Fluent Forms is generally easier to use. While Formidable Forms is also straightforward, the limitations of the free version reduce its overall usability.

Winner: Fluent Forms

In terms of ease of use, Fluent Forms offers a more user-friendly experience, especially for beginners.

4. Third-Party Integrations

Integrations with other services, such as email marketing or payment processing, are vital for expanding functionality.

Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms integrates with over 35 third-party services, including Slack, MailChimp, and Trello. Remarkably, even the free version includes integrations with services like Slack. This broad range of integrations allows you to connect your forms with various external platforms for enhanced functionality.

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms offers 22 third-party integrations. However, some essential tools, such as Zapier and MailChimp, are only available in more expensive plans. While the available integrations are helpful, the limited options in lower-priced plans make it less versatile than Fluent Forms.

Winner: Fluent Forms

In terms of third-party integrations, Fluent Forms provides more options and better accessibility, making it the winner in this category.

5. Conditional Logic

Conditional logic enhances the form experience by dynamically showing or hiding fields based on user input.

Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms offers conditional logic even in its free version. This makes it easy to create dynamic forms that engage users and simplify data collection. The conditional logic is straightforward to set up, and it allows for creating innovative forms that respond to user behavior, enhancing user experience.

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms also includes conditional logic, but access to this feature requires at least the Basic paid plan. Fluent Forms, therefore, offers better value in this aspect. While the conditional logic is functional, the paywall restricts access for users on a budget.

Winner: Fluent Forms

In terms of conditional logic, Fluent Forms offers better value by including it in the free version, making it the winner in this category.

6. Mobile Responsiveness

With a significant portion of users accessing websites on mobile devices, mobile responsiveness is crucial for form builders.

Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms is fully responsive, ensuring that forms look great on all devices. The plugin even integrates seamlessly with Ninja Tables for those who want to pair forms with tables. This responsiveness ensures that your forms are accessible and functional, regardless of the device used.

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is also mobile responsive, ensuring a steady look on all devices. Both plugins offer solid mobile responsiveness, catering to the needs of users who access websites on mobile devices.

Winner: Tie

In terms of mobile responsiveness, both plugins perform well, making this feature a tie.

7. Spam Protection

Preventing spam submissions is critical for any form.

Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms includes various security measures like GDPR compliance, honeypot functionality, and reCAPTCHA. The plugin also integrates with Akismet for robust spam protection. These features ensure that your forms are protected from spam and maintain data privacy.

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms also includes reCAPTCHA, honeypot protection, and Akismet integration. Both plugins are equally capable of spam protection, offering robust security measures to protect forms from spam.

Winner: Tie

In terms of spam protection, both plugins offer solid features, making this category a tie.

8. File Upload

File upload capabilities are essential for collecting documents, images, and other files.

Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms allows file uploads in the free version and provides extensive customization options for file types and sizes. This functionality is crucial for various use cases, such as job applications or customer support, making Fluent Forms versatile.

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms also offers file uploads, but this feature is restricted to the pro bundles. While the functionality is solid, the lack of free access limits its usability for budget users.

Winner: Fluent Forms

In terms of file uploads, Fluent Forms offers more flexibility by including the feature in its free version, making it the winner in this category.

9. Support and Documentation

Good support and clear documentation are vital for any software tool.

Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms provides extensive documentation and a dedicated YouTube channel for tutorials. The support team is responsive and helpful to all users, regardless of their plans. This level of support ensures that users can get help when needed and quickly learn how to use the plugin’s features.

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms offers basic documentation and firm support, but this support is only available to premium users and varies by package. While the support is helpful, the limitations based on the package reduce its accessibility for free users.

Winner: Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms provides more comprehensive support and documentation, making it the winner in this category.

10. Pricing and Licensing

Price is often a decisive factor when choosing a form builder.

Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms is affordable, with packages ranging from $79 to $899 for lifetime licenses. The most popular package, covering 5 sites, costs $159 annually or $299 for a lifetime license. This pricing offers great value for the extensive features provided.

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is more expensive, with prices ranging from $49 to $299 annually. There are no lifetime packages, and essential features are locked behind higher-priced plans. While the features are solid, the lack of lifetime licensing and higher prices make it less cost-effective.

Winner: Fluent Forms

In terms of pricing and licensing, Fluent Forms offers better value with affordable lifetime licenses, making it the winner in this category.


Both plugins have merits in the battle of Formidable Forms vs. Fluent Forms. However, Fluent Forms offers more value, especially for users seeking an accessible or affordable solution with extensive features. Fluent Forms excels in areas like input fields, conditional logic, file uploads, support, and pricing, making it a more versatile and cost-effective option. Nonetheless, the choice ultimately depends on your specific needs and budget.

Overall Winner: Fluent Forms

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