Lifestyle Magazine

Forced Family Fun and Top Gun

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’ve been busy editing my second story and working. It was a productive week, and I was so ready for the weekend. We had a fun Saturday night. A night where I put my foot down, and we had an evening of “forced family fun.”

Forced Family Fun and Top Gun

For those who don’t know what “forced family fun” is, it’s just what the name implies. I force my kids to do something with us. They reluctantly participate in whatever I’ve planned. I try not to inundate them with too many events like this because I know they need their space as teens. But I figure once in awhile isn’t too much to ask, and they’re getting older. Sniff. The family moments are becoming less frequent, and I must say, I’m having a hard time letting go. But I digress.

We went as a family to a drive-in and watched the new “Top Gun” movie. Now, my boys have never been to a drive-in, and I wanted to give them the experience. So, we packed up the car and drove the forty-five minutes to the outdoor theater.

Unbeknownst to me, things have changed since my teen years of drive-in movies. There are no speakers you hang on your window so you can hear the movie. Now, you tune in to a radio station. It works wonderfully, except I had to deal with the fear that my battery would die, and I’d be stranded at the drive-in after the movie was over. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. Phew. I would’ve never lived that one down.

Everyone liked the movie. It was action-packed. A lot of flying scenes. I loved the camaraderie the movie illustrated among the team of select pilots. When the going got tough they stuck together, working with each other as they confronted their obstacles and moved forward. I’m glad my boys saw that part. For an evening of “forced family fun,” it was a success. I’m planning more evenings like this. My boys don’t know that yet, but they’ll find out soon enough. 😉

Forced Family Fun and Top Gun

My oldest really liked the movie, I could tell it inspired him. It will probably inspire you, too. It had a great storyline. I loved how they weaved scenes and photos from the first movie in with this one. I’m going to go see it again. It was that good. But this time it’ll be in a theater. How about you? Have you seen the new “Top Gun” movie? What are your thoughts? Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!

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