Business Magazine

Forbes: “Directed Browsing And The Death Of The URL”

Posted on the 17 December 2012 by Worldwide @thedomains published a story yesterday entitled “Directed Browsing And The Death Of The URL”

The story chats about the increase use of social networks, apps and search engines which are increasingly taking away the desire for people to use their browser to navigation across the internet:

“One area of the Internet that I think is suffering in the current climate of social media, targeted search, and recommendation engines, is the ability for people to find a website on their own. ”

“More emphasis is being placed on having a strong presence on Facebook, having pages and stories picked up by Reddit, Stumbleupon, and Twitter, while the idea that content is still published on its own website, more and more the ability to discover a website is being taken away from the individual.”

“While every web browser still has a URL bar that allows someone to enter a website address, but with shinier interfaces and toys available, the role of the direct URL is being diminished. ”

“Rather than opening up the web, the current popularity of social networks, discovery sites, and algorithmic based recommendations puts a huge amount of power into a very small number of sites.”

“If everyone is comfortable with what is handed to them by Facebook and Google how will people find anything new? How will people anything new and outside their comfort circle?”

Its an interesting read and you can check out the entire article here.…

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