Its Halloween, so I thought I would confront my biggest fear, that is the pain of lactose intolerance and watch this vaguely named film.
The film poses a more serious question of if we truly are what we eat. (The answer is yes). Its really more of a societal fable of what happens when we as a people choose to eat gloopy white stuff in a purple tub and allow it to become a lifestyle. And when the FDA can't save you, the Army will. At least, that's what I learned from this movie.
Let's begin.
We open our story with an old man who eats things from the ground…

“Low in calories, good tasting and not a spot. Why doesn’t my son like it?” My guess is kids don't like being forced into things by adults with low hanging robes. Child Protective Services will back me up on this one.

In this movie universe, Danny Aiello is the head of the Food and Drug Administration

In this movie universe, he is owned by a dog.

A dog who can amazingly unplug the phone when there's an emergency. A sort of reverse Lassie.

This scene began with the guy from 2 Broke Girls jumping Mo and ended with the line, "You're Chocolate Chip Charlie!" That's just quality screenwriting.

For a town that's only eating The Stuff which has no calories, everyone here seems suspiciously doughy.

In conclusion, this is how my stomach now feels when faced with dairy...