shoot had studio money to burn, does not make it a worthy pursuit.
Also this:

On the other hand, this is also the studio's way of casting blame. "From Stephanie Meyer - so don't look at us if you hated it...."
This film should also not be confused with this Japanese monster movie, which I haven't seen but looks way awesome:

Moving on...
For those of you unfamiliar with the story, its in no way a rip off of Invasion of the Body Snatchers - its just the tale of a alien invasion that takes out people's souls and wears their bodies like suits. Nothing like Invasion of the Body Snatchers at all. There's a girl named Melanie who gets invaded, but the aliens were sloppy about the whole body snatching invasion and so the entire movie is her talking to her alien. They fall in love with two different guys and enjoy harvesting wheat. Also, Diane Krueger keeps her whites whiter while looking for pesky humans.
That being said, here's the most mockable highlights of this little film:

Had Melanie seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers, she may have come up with an alternate plan.

We're introduced to Diane Krueger's character who's name was probably said at some point, but given that her character required for the depth of cardboard, I don't remember it.

Again, Melanie does not know how an Apocalypse works. You don't just mosey into an apartment and start going through the refrigerator for lunch meat.

Seeker then stares at herself in the mirror. Because she's really interesting in that way.

She does however escape from a guy in a white suit who moves really awkwardly.
She steals a car and drives as far as she can and then has a accident only involving herself.

...and that kind stranger is John Hurt. Well done, Seeker! Most people just get a Guy From That Show a Few Years Ago. When it happens to me, I've got my fingers crossed for an Albert Finney or Michael Fassbender.

Also, if in the future, your alien invasion has left you confused as to who is human and who is alien, let their choice in transportation be your guide. No alien would be seen dead in a beat up 1994 Chevy Impala.

The action REALLY heats up when everyone goes out to the fields to harvest wheat.

So. Much. Wheat.

I hate this movie. I hate it with the same breath and fire that I hate a Twilight experience.

"Its Stephanie Meyer's fault!" signed, The Studio that released The Host.

...but wait! Killing goes against the aliens' code of ethics. So it doesn't happen.

Just a gentle alien parasite that only needed to be gently coaxed out of one's soul that it was devouring for eternity. Simply cut and let it ooze out.
Quite possibly the stupidest yet easiest way the human race has ever been conquered in cinematic history.
"Its Stephanie Meyers' fault. Don't blame us - The Studio That Gave Us The Host.

Seriously. That's what happened.

Lets see what Japan's Host vision looks like...

So much thematically satisfying.....