Oh, the horror of Munchie. There are no words.
Sadly, that's not how a blog works. So I will find the words to express the soul devastation that is Munchie.
Here's some trivia for you - Munchie is actually a sequel to a film called Munchies, proving that this film franchise truly did not care. About anything. Certainly entertainment wasn't on their list of priorities either.
Synopsis in a hurry - a couple of filmmakers who hated life in general ripped off E.T. and Aladdin, suckered Dom Deluise into voicing a character so creepy that its a wonder CPS didn't put a warning label on the VHS box.
That being said...here's some moments that made me question why we as humans are allowed to create art.

Jewelry AND a pencil moustache? How has no one swooped him up yet?!?!?!?

FYI: This was just the second movie in the Munchie Trilogy. It was followed by...

Just walk away, folks. Walk away....