

Posted on the 18 October 2013 by Buttercup2k @ButtercupX
Oh, the horror of Munchie.  There are no words.
Sadly, that's not how a blog works.  So I will find the words to express the soul devastation that is Munchie.
Here's some trivia for you - Munchie is actually a sequel to a film called Munchies, proving that this film franchise truly did not care. About anything. Certainly entertainment wasn't on their list of priorities either.
Synopsis in a hurry - a couple of filmmakers who hated life in general ripped off E.T. and Aladdin, suckered Dom Deluise into voicing a character so creepy that its a wonder CPS didn't put a warning label on the VHS box.
That being's some moments that made me question why we as humans are allowed to create art.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)We open with a man disposing of a box with Munchie inside. If this movie had just been the two minutes of someone getting rid of Munchie's body, I would have been a huge fan.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Roll the opening credits. We stare at chattering teeth for a good three minutes. I felt ill the whole time.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)This is our film's hero. His name is Gauge and he has a lot of problems, so he shuts the world out and stares at women. His future as that guy you avoid at a Starbucks is secure.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Here is the object of his affection.  Its Jennifer Love Hewitt - before she started putting together Client Lists...
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Gauge has a run in with the principal, which in his mind, looks like this...
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Yes, Satan visits Gauge's subconscious on a regular basis. Or this is just Satan giving his seal of approval on this movie.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)This is Gauge's mother...and Gauge's new Dad. He's great father material because he wears baggy 80s track suits...
 Jewelry AND a pencil moustache? How has no one swooped him up yet?!?!?!?
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)The new family dynamic is a little stressful, so Gauge naturally wanders off into the gates of hell...
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Where this is waiting for him.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)This is Munchie waiting for Gauge to join him in bed, thus cuing up the most disturbing scene in movie history.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Never mind. Munchie decided to sleep in Gauge's underwear drawer. The filmmakers shook off any doubts in their hearts and knew that there was no reason a parent wouldn't want their kids minds opened to this.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Kids, if you find a Satanic minion in a cave, just walk away. Otherwise, it will follow you to school.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)I'm not sure which I felt ill at most. The fact that a porn scene almost happens....
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Or that Munchie sat and watched it with his fluffy eyebrows.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Meanwhile, Gauge takes a shower....
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)And Munchie was waiting for him....I am convinced the filmmakers hate children or really anything that has the capacity to give love and receive it.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Case in point - this child was probably instructed to wear gym shorts, but insisted as being as clothed as possible on set.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Everything about this guy screams, "I'm not really a gym teacher."
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Put a violin in this girl's hand, and you've got a good idea what I looked like when I was this age.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Gauge goes to a lonely professor who has a hoarding problem for answers....
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)And finds that Munchie's evil has spread throughout the centuries....
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)I sense the liver spotted hand of Roger Corman was behind this....
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Is it the fact he has teeth that I find so unsettling? Is it the fact he went to a barber and said, "Give me the Hitler?" Or is it the fact that his eyes are huge and devoid of a soul?!?!?!
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)...but he throws great parties.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)The band has "The Director owed us money, didn't have it, but offered us a part in the movie" written all over it.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)New Dad is doing what the audience has been aching for this whole time - he's thrown Munchie into the trash.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Ever had that nightmare where you, and underage boy and a minion of Hell are taking a roadtrip together?
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)I did once and this was how I woke up from it....
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Munchie makes the Jeep fly - I fantasized about it leaving the Earth's atmosphere and spontaneously combusting. Spoiler didn't happen.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Taken straight out of The Lazy Man's Guide to Comedy, there's two cops at a donut shop.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)Everyone is okay with Munchie being in their lives. How did that come about? If the filmmakers don't care then I guess I'm off the hook.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)This would not be the first time Jennifer Love Hewitt would have to grin through her teeth at the demands of a unattractive, smart talking, know it all gremlin...(Hollywood, amirite?!??!)
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - Munchie (1992)First airlines charge you for luggage and then they hire Munchie to fly planes. I'm officially over air travel.
FYI: This was just the second movie in the Munchie Trilogy. It was followed by...
Just walk away, folks. Walk away....

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