This movie has everything you could possibly want - that is, if your list of heart's desires only includes BMX bikes, Australia and Nicole Kidman. And if that was your list, this might possibly explain why you didn't enjoy Moulin Rouge. Because something very important was missing. I'll let you figure out what it was.
The plot synopsis - three teens, one of which being a rosy cheeked Nicole, thwart a bank robbery using their bikes. Also, there's walkie talkies - a box full of walkie talkies. And they're AMAZING. Like, if you lose your walkie talkie, there's just no getting it back. And if you do find out who stole it, then you just committed yourself to a thirty minute BMX chase across suburban Australia.
Quentin Tarantino called this Australia's Goonies. According to the DVD box anyway.
Or so I learned from this movie. Let's begin....

The movie opened with a bank heist and followed the tradition of having its participants wear creepy masks like in The Town and The Dark Knight...

The movie's plotline revolves around teenagers finding a box full of walkie talkies that belong to the bad guys. The bad guys will want these back and are prepared to give chase over them. I'm assuming there are no Radio Shacks in Australia.

Just my imagining the guy in the pink shirt's conversation with a date from Match.com.

Whatever you do, don't lose the boss' walkie talkie. Because they're super hard to find.

I'm sorry, kid. Life is going to be very cruel to you, but at least you made some people smile during a late night viewing of BMX Bandits.

What happens next is probably the most exhausting long and pointless chase scene...

...and cut straight to the part where they bike through a water slide.

It ends with a guy getting a pie in the face.
Brace yourselves, readers. There is a big stupid ending coming....

And they fight the bad guys by dumping flour and foam everywhere.

Needless to say, the bad guys learned some pretty good life lessons today, thanks to BMX bandits everywhere.
And now with no more distractions, lets get back to the real reason we're watching this movie....

That's not what I left this movie with....