Folks, there's nothing more than I enjoy than over the top 80's grandeur that fits neatly in a TV screen, which Beverly Hills Madam has in spades.Champagne in chilled decanturs! Bejeweled shoulder pads! Floor length furs! Sheer white nylons!
So put on your best fluffy slipper pumps and strap in.
Actress extraordinaire Faye Dunaway IS the Beverly Hills Madam and she runs a tight ship. She employs the blonde from Bosom Buddies, Flash Gordon's girlfriend and...wait for it...Robin Givens. Time to enjoy that chilled Shasta soda.
We'll not only watch and see the trials of running a top Beverly Hills escort service, but we'll also see the career trajectories of these girls. One's got the seniority, one's fresh off the wagon, one's in school and one's black. This movie has layers.

from one of my all time favorite movies....

Meanwhile in the City of High Class Failure, Flash Gordon's girlfriend deals with life's disappointments by seducing a delivery guy from a liquor store.
Since when do liquor stores do deliveries? What kind of magical time was the 80s anyway?

Faye just stared into the mirror and saw her career sliding away...quietly into the night as if her Oscar nomination never happened.
"My sister? My daughter? How did it go again?"
Beverly Hills Madam - thank you for teaching me on how to live and love again.