Passed on to me by John Case:
The *Daly News*<>is where we question some of the most deeply ingrained (and deeply flawed) myths of mainstream economics. The *Daly News* is named in honor of one of our authors, Herman Daly, a true leader in alternative economic thinking.
His most recent essay provides a counterpoint<>to the clamor for continuous economic growth. Our current essay is a doozy. Brian Czech attacks the nonsense spouted by George Will<>, but surprisingly Czech agrees with Will on a critical point that has ramifications for the transition to a sustainable and fair economy. I hope
you’ll take a look.
“Eye-opening.” “Beautifully written.” “Insightful.” Those are just a few reader responses to our essays on the *Daly News*. Please subscribe via email<>or RSS feed <>.
I’ve put the Daly News on my bookmark list and will be referring to it when required.