Entertainment Magazine

For Select Staff Members, This Includes Listening to the Entire "Purple Rain" Album on Repeat for 9 Hours

Posted on the 01 May 2013 by Notlobmusic @notlobmusic

Is Club Passim planning a Prince tribute night?

If it is it would come as no surprise. ReadPassim Pop or Folk Music and Cultural Center? (December 25, 2009) and subsequent entries.
notloB Music: Rest in Peace, Passim Folk Music and Cultural CenterNov 01, 2010...the Passim Folk Music and Cultural Center has ceased to exist, being re-branded simply as "Passim", the name of the for-profit entity run by the Donlins in the 1980's, but with a very different mission from theirs and from the ...notloB Music: Name change in store for Club Passim?Feb 13, 2010The word on the street is Club Passim will soon be officially dropping half of its more commonly used name: "Club Passim" (which is a hybrid that honors its predecessors, the original "Club 47" and 1980's "Passim") will ...
notloB Music: Down the Memory Hole - Passim Folk Music and ...Sep 09, 2012...the Passim Folk Music and Cultural Center has ceased to exist, being re-branded simply as "Passim", the name of the for-profit entity run by the Donlins in the 1980's, but with a very different mission from theirs and from the .
The re-branded "Passim" took a decidedly new direction after the expedited departure of Executive Director Betsy Siggins and booking manager Tim Mason. It appears the current staff continues to be fascinated with pop culture, and sadly forgetting its original mission

Mission Statement

Passim Folk Music and Cultural Center is a nonprofit arts organization dedicated to the cultivation and preservation of folk music.
Through its diverse programming, Club Passim, the Passim School of Music, Archive Project, and Culture for Kids, the Passim Center reaches out to people of all ages, backgrounds, and communities.
For more than 40 years in the heart of Harvard Square, the Passim Center has been a cornerstone of the arts community of New England, fostering both performers and audiences alike.

Why do we say this? From its Facebook page today:

  • Club Passim
    It's beautiful outside today, and we're taking the opportunity to start breaking out some of our favorite summer music. For select staff members, this includes listening to the entire "Purple Rain" album on repeat for 9 hours.
    What are you listening to today?

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