In my opinion, kids learn so much through play. Imaginary play and playing with others, especially at a playground, helps develop leadership, persistence, bravery, support and empathy. I try to take my kids to the park at least once a week. We also try to do a family park day at least once a month. It's so important for them to be out exploring nature and getting some independence from each other.

I remember when the kids were younger that I would have to chase them all over the park. Those days are over. Now they make me chase them with my phone and filming all the cool things they can accomplish like scaling across the monkey bars or how they went from one pull-up to two. I gladly oblige and now have all these videos where I can see how much work they put into accomplishing their goals.
We are very lucky to have some super cool playground areas here in South Florida. One of our favorites is Tom Sawyer Island at Amelia Earhart Park. You walk through these cool bridges and caves to access the playground and then they have all these climbing areas, dinosaur digs and cool slides.

Tom Sawyer Island and a lot of other incredible playgrounds are from a company called Landscape Structures. Landscape Structures' playgrounds benefit people of all ages and abilities.