And since a picture's worth a 1000 words I'm giving you more of one and less of the other. If you can't guess which then you need more coffee!
Welcome reception at the Terra Gallery
Here are my fellow bloggers I can't wait to get to know better :)
A Photography session worth clicking about
The DSLR-Free Zone: Taking Gawk-worthy photos with lo-tech equipment
Our shepherds were ~
Greg Henry (Sippity Sup)
Chuck Lai (Foodgawker)
Angi Chau (Rice and Wheat)
Look who I met at the Taste Pavillion?
The very lovely Zoe Francois without whom Artisan Bread in Five Minutes would be non existent. Can't wait to do some serious damage to our waistline with Zoe & Mark's new book - Artisan Pizza & Flatbreads in Five Minutes
nibble, nibble, nibble
Have you ever seen anything like this?
Gorgeous organic endives
Off to Alexia Foods Cooking Demo with Tyler Florence & the Gala Dinner
(I sweartogod the skirts hiked up a few notches for this one...he..he)
And evening with friends ~
A highlight of the evening was hanging out at leisure with Greg Henry of Sippity Sup
And the very talented and adorable Nam from The Culinary Chronicles who twitter schmoozes with the best of them!
What a meal & far too much wine than I care to admit.
(Mr. Hubby knew what he was doing when packed in those Advil liquigels. 'nuf said)
Here's who I hope to meet at the next one :
Steve @ oui, chef & Joumana @ Taste of Beirut
Are you listening?
And with Foodbuzz events out of the way, it was time for this ~
sights, sights & more sights
And ofcourse more of this ~
An unforgettable evening at the highly recommended The Slanted Door with Steven & Heguiberto of weirdcombinations whose food is anything but and whose friendship is a rare find.
And of course to my dear friend Nia who made my trip even more memorable.
Such wonderful moments would never have been possible had Mr. Hubby not been such a good sport and held the fort back home with the munchkins.
Thank You...mwah...mwah...
I am eternally grateful that neither my kitchen, pots or refrigerator had been messed with in my absence.