Fashion Magazine

Flowers – FABruary Style Challenge

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Today we’re wearing flowers. There are so many ways to bring flowers into your outfit.

Flowers - fabruary Flowers – fabruary by imogenl featuring a floral necklace

Flowers can be abstract or naturalistic. They can be 3D or 2D.  They can be part of an overall pattern, or a feature detail.

Be aware of the scale – a large scale floral will overwhelm at petite woman.  Ensure that your patterns reflect your personal scale.  Not sure of what it is?  Think of it this way:  your medium is no larger than your palm, your large is no larger than your outstretched hand.  If you’re Petite (under 5’4″) go for small to medium patterns.  If you’re tall (over 5’9″) you can upscale to a larger pattern, if you’re not sure, stick with medium.

How are you going to add some flowers to your outfit today?


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