Lifestyle Magazine

Flowers and Eggs

By Elliefrost @adikt_blog

daisy love sweater from siren london, high waisted jeans rainy day look high waisted jeans and daisy sweater look rainy day boots wellington boots material zara how to style a daisy sweater

Photos : Kevin Stramp Daisy sweater : c/o Siren London // Jeans : American Apparel // Shoes : Zara // Rings : Camden Market

Well the item description of this jumper says daises but they look a little like eggs to me! So ambiguous haha, its awesome. I could be part of an English breakfast – all that’s missing is the bacon and baked beans. It’s a dip down and looks great with high waisted jeans, or it could look super cute with a skater skirt.

These boots are perfect for the rain, they are rubber and they have a great grip, they get a lot of compliments on them but they really kill your feet! Will be doing a little experiment with those heel cushions things to see if they work. I just wanna keep on wearing them without bleeding!! Beauty does not mean (literal) pain in my dictionary, unless of course we’re talking about plucking out hairs, in which case that’s OK, at least that kind of pain is fleeting…

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