Food & Drink Magazine

Flour and Stone, Woolloomooloo

By Foodisourreligion @food_religion

So for those that may have read my numerous jealous tweets would know that I have been dying to try out Flour and Stone for yonks. Like seriously, yonks. I was salivating at every Instagram upload of their lamingtons, tarts, doughnuts, blah blah blah. I am not the biggest fan of lamingtons but I've heard (even from people who usually dislike lamingtons) have said that it is the best they have ever tasted. So what was the verdict?

Flour and Stone, Woolloomooloo

Pana Cotta Lamington - $6.50

For those that have not been, don't get fooled by the emptiness on Riley Street. It looks like there is nothing there but trust me, it is there.  I took a 10 second glance at the street and thought there was nothing there. Result: I ended up walking around the whole block in the freezing strong icey wind for nothing. Moral of the story: trust your google map app on your phone. (or am I the only one that doesn't believe it sometimes LOL...).

Flour and Stone, Woolloomooloo

Lamb (left) and chicken (right) pie - $7.00 each

Flour and Stone, Woolloomooloo

Avocado and Lemon toast - $6.00

The pies were freaking awesome. I don't ever recall having such orgasmic pies. The pastry was crispy on the outside, the sauce and lamb oozing out when it is still hot was insanely epic (especially on a winter's morning) and the touch of sea salt and herbs on top made it taste so complete. I would so love to smash a whole dozen of them. 
I love my salt but I would know that some might find it too salty. Luckily it is on the top so you can always scrap some off if you are a bit worried. 

Flour and Stone, Woolloomooloo

Pana Cotta Lamington - $6.50

Flour and Stone, Woolloomooloo

Left: Lemon and Ricotta doughnut
Right: Cinnamon morning bun
Bottom: Raspberry meringues

So the question of the day is: was that lemington worthy of all that hype? For shizzle to the wizzle, it so was! Perhaps it might have been because I haven't had the most amazing experience with lamingtons. When people say lamingtons to me, it would remind me of my early childhood days when my dad would buy a cheapie box of lamingtons from woolies (on sale LOL). Yeah.. that's as far as my exposure to lamington goes.
But oh em gee, it was so good. The pana cotta was yummy, their chocolate isn't overly sweet and the coconut wasn't grounded up to dust.
Since it was such an effort to visit Flour and Stone and as I was not sure when would be the next time I have time for a second visit, I obviously had to stock up. So what to get? Adam Dunn can answer that question for you 'everything, everything tastes good'.
Flour and Stone's cakes sell out fast even though their cafe is really small so you would have to be quick. Their lemon and ricotta doughnut was also really good as it was so tangy but surprisingly, not as heavy as I had expected. *wipes drool*
So for those that haven't been, make sure you go. Dooooo it! and while you are at it, can you please bring me back some of their lamingtons and pie. Kthanksbye.
Flour and Stone on Urbanspoon

Gotta go eat!!

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