Books Magazine

Flip The Script – Book Preview

By Whatyouwrite @whatyouwrite

Flip The Script – Book Preview from adnauseum on Vimeo.

10 years in the making, Handselecta is pleased to announce the release of our first book, Flip The Script, published by Gingko Press. Part history book, part calligraphy manual. it will be sure to be a monumental tome in the culture of graffiti and colloquial design.
Distinctive hand style lettering is an essential skill for artists and designers. Deftly executed hand crafted letter forms are a nearly forgotten art in an age of endless free fonts. Graffiti is one of the last reservoirs of highly refined, well practiced penmanship.
The most reviled and persecuted form of Graffiti, the Tag, is seldom appreciated for the raw beauty of its skeletal letter forms. Most tags are removed immediately, and thus the casual viewer seldom has a chance to discern the difference between entry level and advanced hand styles.
Within the pages of Flip the Script, author Christian Acker has systematically analyzed the best graffiti hand styles, contextualizing the work of graffiti writers from around the United States. Acker presents the various lettering samples in a clean organized format, giving the material a proper, formal treatment evoking classic typography books.
224 pages, Hardcover, 7” x 9” (178 x 229 mm)
100s of 2-color illustrations, English
ISBN: 978-1-58423-460-9 $ 29.95

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