Who doesn’t love alternate versions of beloved stories? Some of my favorite episodes of Friends are the what could have been episodes. I mean who doesn’t love “fat Monica”? When I first read Flashpoint it was already in graphic novel form. I couldn’t put it down. It was fascinating to see some of the DC’s biggest heroes in a new world. Some were still heroes. Some had turned into.
The story was exciting. Putting Flash as your central character is a great way to make your story upbeat and fast paced(literally). It was shocking. Seeing Aquaman and Wonder Woman going head to head while destroying the world was one of the most unexpected moves I could think of, and I loved every moment. Most of all it was touching. The story revolves around Barry Allen’s(The Flash) guilt and regret of his mother’s murder when he was a boy.The ending to Flashpoint makes me teary eyed every time. You’ll have to read and or watch the film to see it. It’s worth the wait.

When the schedules were released for this year’s San Diego Comic Con there was one panel that got me beyond excited. The world premier of “The Flashpoint Paradox” with a panel to follow. Two years ago they had premiered Batman: Year One at a different comic con and I had thought about how amazing that must have been to see the premier of a beloved comic book adaptation with other huge comic book fans. Well this year I got to experience that, and It lived up to the excitement.

The environment was amazing. The cheers and crowd interaction was awesome. It was apparent from the first five minutes of the film this was not a “kiddie” movie, but in fact an adult superhero film that uses animation as its medium. The movie did such a great job adapting the comic into an hour and half storyline. Also the cameos of alternate versions of beloved DC characters is so numerous I’m sure you have to watch multiple times to catch them all. This film was by far my favorite of the already amazing DCU animated films. It is honestly one of my favorite superhero films ever, and easily my favorite comic to film adaptation. I highly recommend this to anyone who is slightly interested in DC or to the most hardcore of fans. You will love it. I can(almost) guarantee it.
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