
Fixed Vs. Floating Exchange Rate at the Forex Trading Platform

Posted on the 07 May 2020 by Williamerikburton

Forex trading strategies are not the same. You have to study various strategies to find the right one for your specific trading goals. However, once you’ve got a winner, it doesn’t take long to achieve a profit.

It is important to understand that forex houses a lot of players, including insurance companies, large corporations, financial institutions, etc. However, the industry has shifted in the last few years. Nowadays, more individuals are working for themselves and formulating individual strategies. It’s primarily because of this shift that forex trading strategies have changed.

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Fixed vs. Floating Exchange Rates

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These are the two main choices that you’ll be faced with when dealing in the forex platform. In fact, they may hold the answer to the question: Is forex trading profitable? Fixed exchange rates mean that a country’s currency is artificially controlled, e.g. China. However, a free floating exchange rate means that a currency’s value is weighed against other currencies in the free market.

Choosing between the two options will dictate the survival of the currency’s stability. A fixed exchange rate may seem like the logical choice for a country, but it might need to be eventually changed. The exchange rate is set by either the government of that country or a central bank. It ties the official value of the currency to the price of gold. The purpose here is to restrict changes in the currency’s value for economic advantage.


Free-floating currencies are generally favored by the forex market as they provide more room for trade. That’s the answer most care for when they ask: “Is forex trading profitable?” The change in these currencies is determined by the simple supply and demand rule of economics. Hence, the trade, economic advantages and disadvantages, and development of a country determine the currency’s value. This doesn’t mean, however, that a country’s government or central bank can’t artificially influence the value. It’s all part of keeping a country’s currency at a good price for the trade.

Most countries in the world now rely on the floating exchange rate. This was due to the failure of the gold standard.

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Which Exchange Rate is Better?

Which exchange rate is better for a forex trading strategy depends on a lot of factors. If a country’s economy is open and small, then the apparent choice is a fixed rate. This is due to the stability issues that occur with regard to imports and exports. A small economy would normally give way to excessive importing. Hence, with low production and exports, it would be harder for a country’s currency to maintain value. Fixed rates would be better for that country in the long run.

The key is to stop the currency’s value from fluctuating past certain barriers. This would keep domestic pricing levels in check. In most countries, however, the two different exchange rates work in tandem. Choosing one over the other has proved exceedingly difficult. Countries tend to manipulate their own currencies frequently if it means gaining an advantage in international trade.

The volatility levels of a currency influence how flexible the rate of a currency can be. This, in turn, depends on the domestic goods, exports, and imports of the country.


How to Find Out Which Exchange Rate is Better for a Forex Trading Strategy?

The only way to find out which type of exchange rate you’re most comfortable with is to try our forex demo. With as much room to play with as you need and no actual losses or gains, you can find out for yourself.

The Benefits of a 30-Day Forex Day Trading Demo

When you’re beginning at the forex platform, it’s natural to assume that you don’t have the best forex trading strategy. This is why you should go for a 30-day forex day trading demo to try your hand first. This is why you can experiment with different strategies, find out about the basics, and develop your own strategy.

While forex trading isn’t the hardest thing in the world, you do need to grasp hold of some concepts. While you’re basically buying one type of currency and selling another, you need to know how they relate. You must be aware of the contracts for difference, offer prices, deposits, etc. A 30-day forex day trading demo can teach you about all those terms and concepts.

Experience vs. Knowledge

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Forex trading strategies

Another way to think about this is theoretical knowledge vs practical knowledge. You can do all the research and watch all the tutorials you want. However, there is nothing that can take the place of experience. With a 30-day trading demo, you can formulate your own forex trading plan. More than that, you can formulate strategies that you’re comfortable implementing. You won’t feel buyer’s remorse after you’ve made a purchase or sold some stock. Trust your forex trading strategies with our 30-day demo trial opportunity.

This is what you’ll need to learn to come up with the best forex trading strategy. The experience will not only make you more sure of yourself but will make you aware of common mistakes. That way, you won’t fall into the most common traps that beginner traders often fall into.

Forex Trading Strategies: What is a Forex Demo?

A forex demo is a free go at a real trading platform. The exception here is that it uses mock currency. Hence, you can comfortably make trades that won’t actually profit or hurt you. So the profits and losses may be fake, but the activity on the market is real.

Through this kind of demo, you’ll get all the experience you need to begin formulating your own forex trading plan. You’ll be able to test different strategies without any consequence. You’ll also get access to different marketing charts, trading signals, and forex news. You’ll be able to see firsthand how all that information impacts the trading platform in real-time.

Also, the most important thing about the 30-day demo is that you’ll get to operate a real forex software platform. That, above all else, will give you the confidence to execute trades efficiently. You won’t be waiting around or looking for manuals or help tutorials. You will know exactly which button to push and where to click. This will save you a lot of time as well as effort.

That’s what it takes to formulate the best forex trading strategy; practice and time. You can’t get that without any consequence if you don’t have access to a demo.

In 2020, with the financial market so volatile, you need to have access to a trading platform demo. It will not just help you formulate the best forex trading strategy, but also help you recognize nuances. These can’t be found in a book or really articulated well. They have to be experienced in the heat of the moment. When the stakes are high and you feel the adrenaline pumping in your veins, you’ll know what trading feels like.

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