Life Coach Magazine

Five Summer Activities You and Your Kids Will Love

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

Most children have about three months during the summer when they are taking a break from school. During that time, parents and guardians must help them stay busy doing positive activities. While some time on the computer and with quality and age-appropriate video games is fine, spending time outdoors doing things that will keep their young minds and physical bodies engaged is much more preferred and essential.

Creative with Chalk

Even very young toddlers like marking up the patio, sidewalk and driveway with chalk. As the children get older, you can show them how to play the simple game of hopscotch. Any children that like to draw with chalk should be encouraged. Tell them that when they finish their art work, you will take a photo of it. Older children can draw elaborate pictures and take their own photos of them to put on the computer.

Fascination with Science

Purchasing student models of microscopes will open up the microscopic world to the children. Teach them to respect science and how to treat this instrument and any related equipment you collect for their discovery ventures. You can let them put all types of materials under the instrument to see how things look under magnification. Join them in the fascination of the natural world as seen through the lens.

Simple Sports for All

Gathering and buying some sports equipment is important to inspire the kids to be physically active. Keep in mind sports that interest the children when selecting basketball hoops, horseshoes, and volleyball sets. You or other adults that are good with children can teach them simple rules to enjoy the equipment.

Building in the Sand

Building a large sand box is definitely a great investment for families. Very young children love to dig, but even older children can get into games and competitions in the sand. With older children, you can photograph their sand forts, castles or cakes that they create.

Saving Memories in Scrapbooks

All of the summer activities can be subjects of scrapbook pages. Document with a camera all the things the children do and print up photographs. Get other items like stickers and colored paper so they can each create pages for a family scrapbook and for their own scrapbooks. Saving memories is important, and you can teach children to cherish the hours they spend together with the family and instill in them the preciousness of time and moments shared.

never hear im bored again


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