Entertainment Magazine

Five Great Suggestions For The Next ‘Doctor Who’

Posted on the 03 June 2013 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

Matt Smith was basically plucked from obscurity, but if Doctor Who chooses another Doctor… let them at least consider these five wonderful candidates:

1) Chiwetel Ejiofor

Let’s have a black Doctor. Let’s just do it, and screw the people who think the Doctor can’t be black. Chiwetel has been churning in character actor mode for years, but an occasional lead (like Kinky Boots) proves he’s got what it takes to be a leading man. Take him to that next level.

2) Tom Hiddleston

Obviously, Loki would be better suited as a villain, but Tom’s star is rising because of his presence in the Avengers universe. Catching him while you can would be ideal, because his star is only going to continue to rise.

3) Simon Pegg

Nerds everywhere would unite, and explode in some kind of emotion.

4) Ben Whishaw

After debuting himself comfortably into the new Bond universe, might Ben’s next step be as Doctor Who? He’s young enough to carry the series for a few years…

5) Rupert Grint

I don’t know what this would look like, but I’d love to try it out. I saw this suggestion on another site and it blew my mind. Plus, his CBS comedy didn’t get the pick up, so he should be virtually free.

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