Lifestyle Magazine

Five Changes To Make To Improve Your Health

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

If anything, life is too short, and it’s essential that we’re making the most out of what we have available to us. Who knows how much time we really have, and if there are ways to help extend our life, then it’s important to do it. Here are five changes to make to improve your health and hopefully, help you to live longer!

Five Changes To Make To Improve Your Health

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Try To Improve Fitness Levels

It’s important to do what you can in order to improve your fitness levels. There are certain things that you can do to help encourage a healthier lifestyle and for many, finding the right sport or activity is what can help you love fitness and working out more. For those who don’t enjoy it, it might simply be that you’ve not found the right type of fitness that you enjoy. There’s no denying that there’s lots of options out there to choose from and so it’s worth doing what you can to trial out different fitness and activities to see what you like. Improving your fitness levels can certainly contribute to your health because it improves the body’s strength and keeps the organs nice and healthy, too.

Ideally, you should be working out at least once or twice a week, and if possible, exercising for over 20 minutes per day. The best advice to offer when it comes to improving your fitness is to build it up slowly. It’s a marathon, not a sprint so take your time. Build up to what you feel comfortable doing and then slowly go up in how much you work out each week until it’s at a level that you can sustain.

Get The Health Checks You Need

Health checks are good for spotting things early and there are lots of different diseases and illnesses out there that can do harm to our body. However, getting yourself into a doctor’s room is a lot easier said than done. For many of us, we tend to prioritize other things like our jobs before our health and it can be the same for putting others before ourselves. It’s essential that you break this bad habit and listen to your body when something seems off. Trust your gut and don’t allow life to get in the way and to stop you from getting it checked.

Health checks should be an annual check-up with your doctor, seeing a dentist, getting your eyes checked and your hearing looked at. You can learn more about these checks and how they can benefit you by going online. You also have the opportunity to get other health checks as you get older, and this should certainly be taken advantage of.

Be Sure To Get Plenty Of Sleep

It’s important to get plenty of sleep because sleep is what helps repair the body. Try to get as much sleep as you can as and when you can get it. The ideal amount is around seven to nine hours a night and if you’re not getting that, then you’re likely going to do yourself some damage later down the line. If you struggle to sleep, then there’s plenty of help and guidance out there to approach the way you’re sleeping. It might be that you try blackout blinds or perhaps you look at getting an eye mask if blackout blinds aren’t possible.

Eat With Moderation In Mind

It’s always good to eat in moderation rather than to simply focus on what you can and cannot eat. Everyone needs to indulge every so often and perhaps eat the stuff that’s not as good for you. Moderation is the thing you want to focus on when it comes to looking after your body. It’s important to watch what you’re eating and when you’re trying to gain weight, lose weight or maintain, moderation can help you do this because it’s all about the calories. 

Everyone’s a little different when it comes to eating and due to our genetics and bodily functions, it’s good to follow your own guidance on what calories you should be having. It’s important to enjoy your food, so don’t be strict on what you can and cannot eat. It is the size and amount that really matters.

Quit Any Bad Habits

And finally, try to quit any bad habits that you have (smoking cigarettes, drinking excess alcohol, consuming soda, etc). These bad habits can contribute to ill health, so it’s good to get rid of them where possible.

Changes that you make to your health can certainly help to live longer in the future. I hope you use these tips to help improve your health!

Thank you for reading!

Five Changes To Make To Improve Your Health

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