Week 4 of Fitness Friday. How is it going?
For me, I have had a rough week. I began feeling like I was coming down with a cold Saturday afternoon. By the time Sunday rolled around my head was rather stuffy and my sinuses were pounding. I spent a lot of time just hanging out on the couch. The good news is I also didn’t feel much like eating. Or maybe that’s not good news, but at least I wasn’t in need of working off any added calories.
I haven’t worked out or been very active this week at all though. So I will be working on that now that I’m starting to feel better. Next week I will do my weigh in and check on my BMI.
In the meantime grab my button and check your own BMI below. And then link up at the bottom sharing with us how your progress is going. Or leave me a comment. Just a reminder that I do have a strict only supportive comments policy on these posts though. I will not hesitate to delete comments which are not supportive. I assure you that’s the rule only on my Fitness Friday posts though.

<div align=”center”><a href=”http://monicasmommusings.com” title=”Monica’s Mom Musings” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm50/mom2natnkat/FitnessFriday_zpsd0fd3944.jpg” alt=”Monica’s Mom Musings” style=”border:none;” /></a></div>
I am including the BMI checker in case you would like to check on that.
BMI Checker:
unitUS Metric
sexmale female
height ft in
weight lb
height cm
weight kg