Gaming Magazine

First Time Blogger!

Posted on the 01 December 2012 by Gamezblogger @gamezblogger

Hi, my name is Jesse and im a first time blogger!

Hi Jesse, says the kind internet

So you probably want to know the reason why i suddenly want to begin bloggin?

Is for money? Fame?

No i say! it is purely because my head is filled with thoughts that i want to share with the world.

And Fame is just a side dish ;)

So at the time im bloggin the clock is 21:30, and i have to get ready for work. Yes i do work, im not a lazy bloggin couch potato! instead i have two jobs to keep me alive. 

On the days im a computer repairman in my own small company called Data Forsell. And its hard to make lots of money on your own so at nights im a postman. That\u00B4s a shitty job with a shitty pay.

So there you go! this is my first blog of many to come.

now its time go play some WarZ and get owned by hackers! 

What is WarZ you ask? well its a zombie survival mmo. I will be talking about it soon!

Stay tuned!

and as i say on the youtubes at youtube/zombiegoesx

Zombie out!

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Hi, my name is Jesse and im a first time blogger!

Hi Jesse, says the kind internet

So you probably want to know the reason why i suddenly want to begin bloggin?

Is for money? Fame?

No i say! it is purely because my head is filled with thoughts that i want to share with the world.

And Fame is just a side dish ;)

So at the time im bloggin the clock is 21:30, and i have to get ready for work. Yes i do work, im not a lazy bloggin couch potato! instead i have two jobs to keep me alive. 

On the days im a computer repairman in my own small company called Data Forsell. And its hard to make lots of money on your own so at nights im a postman. That´s a shitty job with a shitty pay.

So there you go! this is my first blog of many to come.

now its time go play some WarZ and get owned by hackers! 

What is WarZ you ask? well its a zombie survival mmo. I will be talking about it soon!

Stay tuned!

and as i say on the youtubes at youtube/zombiegoesx

Zombie out!

It\u00B4s a me Jesse


It\u00B4s a me Jesse

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It´s a me Jesse

" style="padding-bottom:100.0%;" class="image-block-wrapper content-fill">It´s a me Jesse

It´s a me Jesse

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