Fashion Magazine

First-Lady Fashion: Michelle Obama’s Influence on Clothing

By Irene Gomes @PetitePlusMeow

Throughout history the first-lady has influenced fashion trends, however, none have had as much of an impact as Michelle Obama. Her clothing choices can result in stock prices for the clothing companies to rise as much as 2–3% for up to 3 weeks after she wears an outfit. Her fashion appeals to the people as she mixes more affordable brands like Gap and Target with high end pieces.

I personally really enjoy Michelle’s style choices.  Try incorporating some of the first lady’s fashion into your own wardrobe. From exposed zippers to statement necklaces—Michelle Obama has championed many of today’s popular fashion trends making her a style icon.

First-Lady Fashion: Michelle Obama’s Influence on Clothing

What are your thoughts on the First-Lady’s style?  Are you able to use any of the above tips and tricks in your own personal style?  Let me know in the Comments section :)

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