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First Key Steps in Finding a Lost Dog

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
lost dog

One of the nightmares of dog “parents” is acknowledging their pet as a lost dog. There are several steps you can do to find for your lost dog. But listed below are the first key steps that you must follow to make the search a success.


Ensure That You Have a Lost Dog

Prior to stepping foot outside your home to look for your missing dog, you need to make sure that your pet is really lost. Search the whole house thoroughly – look under mattresses, dark areas in the backyard, storage rooms, under heavy furniture and in the garden- , in case your dog is just hiding or sleeping somewhere.

He’s REALLY Lost!

If you’re certain you have a lost dog, inform your loved ones and members of the household as well as those who live close by and ask when they last saw your dog. Ask loved ones to go looking for him, around one or two mile radius of the location where your dog was last seen. Ask youngsters and teenagers to help you with the search as kids are pretty good at finding lost animals.

Make Familiar Noises

Make some noises that your pet understands and is aware of while walking round the neighborhood. Dogs are gifted with loud hearing so creating familiar noises can help a lot.

Make Some Calls

Call animal control organizations, pet rescue groups, vet clinics and animal shelters. You will have to look into the pet shelters every day. Usually lost dogs are picked up by a state agency which retains them for some time and then hand them over to a pet shelter. If there’s no pet shelter near your place, get in touch with the police department.


It’s possible to prevent a nightmare caused by a lost dog. Making sure that your dog has an ID tag can make a great deal of difference. Using a comfortable leash while in public places can help to in making sure that you don’t lose your pet.

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