Flash Cards are one of the few learning aids that have really stood the test of time. I remember being shown flash cards by my mom to help me with spelling and learning when little and it doesn’t surprise me too much that they are still available for my children now.
Miles Kelly publishing is about to launch a new selection called First fun flashcards. These flashcards come in different themes such as letters, animals, shapes, and numbers.
I was able to choose some packs of flashcards for Izebella and so chose Colours and Shapes:, as I am currently trying to teach her a few of these. I also chose an animal pack as she seems to love looking at pictures of animals.

Each pack contains 27 individual double sides cards. The cards seem very strong and sturdy and fairly unbreakable.
To start with the Animals pack. One side of the card shows a clear picture of the animal, whilst the other side displays the animal name in big letters with a piece of factual information underneath like this.

These animal cards do a whole lot more than just teach children animal names. By using these cards children are recognising animals, learning how to spell the animal name plus learning small facts about each one.
The cards are aimed at children 3 and over so Izebella is perhaps a little young for games. She has however picked up many animal names and recognises many of the animals so cd using the cards, such as tiger, parrot, penguin, shark. She is only one year old so easily gets confused with similar looking animals such as the penguin and puffin. She also calls the Zebra a horse and the dolphin a fish which I think is fairly clever considering her age. I think these cards may well turn her into a mini genius.
A good game for older children would maybe be teaching children about different animal groups like mammals and reptiles and asking children which group each animal belongs to.
The animal cards have different color frames around them. Another game could be matching the color frames together.
The Colour and Shape cards do exactly as the title says and help to teach colours and shapes. Half the cards teach shapes and the other half colours. Again they are double sided with one side showing an object and the other a color or shape.

Some of the objects are much easier to recognize than others such as the rabbit and car. A few are a little difficult for Izebella such as a pine cone but my little genius is really learning fast.
I keep the packs of cards in my living room on a shelf unit and Izebella points and says cards at least 3 times a day. Each time she remembers different objects or animals. I am quite amazed at what she knows for her age and she is a very good talker too.
The color and shape cards do show many every day objects which young children will relate to. Colours can be hard to teach. A good idea is to show a child a color card. For instance “blue” which has a picture of a balloon. Then maybe find other blue items around the home, ask the child what else can they see that is the same color etc. There are many different things that can be done with the flash cards.
The cards are brightly coloured with clear illustrated photographs. Each card measures 145 x 110mm which seems a good size for tiny hands to hold. Instructions come with each pack of cards along with some handy tips for more fun games and other ways to use them. Each pack costs £5.99.
Izebella and big brother and sister are having lots of fun and games with the flash cards. Ryan and Jordanna love to help Izebella learn and this is a safe way for them to join in too. Here are the pictures I took of them using the cards.

Here is a short video I took of Jordanna teaching Izebella with the flashcards. On YouTube.