I am very happy to still be recieving my monthly Degustaboxes. I never know exactly what I'm going to get inside so it's always a nice surprise.
This months box (January) contained a lovely selection of drinks, and snacks. The first product I had, which I finished rather quickly, is the Protein boost shake.
Anything that tastes good and is also good for you is a bonus and this ticks both the boxes.
And keeping with the drink/beverage products, look at all these!

There are 2 Aspire cans which have a green tea base so once again healthy. A can of Crabbies ginger beer which is the alcoholic version, so not for inquisitive children and a bottle from Chosan. Chosan appears to be an organic drink with ginger and hibiscus. So yes I can only assume that January's box may just be themed around healthier foods.
Then some instant coffee from Littles which comes flavoured with natural vanilla. If the coffee isn't sweet enough then add a spoon of Natvia.
Natvia is a natural sweetener with zero calories and tastes fairly similar when added to hot drinks, so yes once again a healthy start to the Degustabox year with this box! However that's when I found the surprise white package as in the photograph above!

Now this was a nice surprise. It's from Pip's real hot chocolate company. Unlike the usual hot chocolate which you make with powder; this one is a solid chunky chocolate disc which gets added to hot milk and then dissolves just like this. See the bits of delicious melting chocolate stuck to the sides!

This milky chocolate drink was delucious and even made me feel a bit sleepy after it. Shame there was only one in my box.
Moving on from all the lovely drinks, the box contained some rather lovely snacks too like these four items.

Popchips - Now these are one addictive snack and luckily they contain less than 100 calories per serving. I'm just not sure if a serving means the whole bag or not. I really love bacon flavour snacks too.

Snapea - I have tried a few times previous. At first they did not sound too appealing being made with green peas (Yuk!) but I honestly cannot taste any peas at all.
Finn Crisp - Think healthy nibble crackers, a bit like small bits of Ryvita but much tastier.
Fruittella - 30% less sugar so much healthier with even more fruit juice inside.
Plus- Chia Co and Quinola Mothegrain!

The Quinola I'm giving a miss. I'm not a big fan of the stuff and it's also cooked with split peas which I don't like either. The Chia seeds, I am a little confused by as I really don't know what to do with them. I think they can be added to hot drinks and desserts and they provide multiple health benefits such as fibre and omega 3 but I'm yet to use them.
And finally.............. The Collective gourmet yoghurt!

No this was not in the box, it wouldn't last long without being in a fridge. Instead I found a voucher to buy one. I have had this yoghurt many times. In fact a tub or two is usually in my weekly shop. The Russian fudge is a favorite of mine but there are other varieties in both big and little pots. This yoghurt is deliciously creamy and has a unique taste compared to other yoghurts.
Now for just £12.99 per monthly box, I don't think anyone can grumble about all these tasty products inside; but if your still feeling the Xmas pinch then I have a very special code to get a box for even less. Use this code 0MES2 and get the box for just £5.99. You sign up to the box subscription at the Degustabox website. It is a really good monthly box and as many of you probably know - I have tried a fair few of the many subscriptions out there.