Fashion Magazine

First Attempt at Fashion Illustration on Illustrator! Not To...

By Lauramoodley
Photo First attempt at Fashion Illustration on Illustrator!
Not to take all of the credit; i will admit that its a collage of images taken from the internet and chopped up then manipulated to within an inch of their lives and then put together the way I chose… Not bad for a first EVER attempt at this type of work, i think. But will defo keep practicing.
The point of taking apart images which already exist then manipulating them, is that you learn how to use a much wider verity of tools while having a nice, creative outcome. This was one of many tasks that i undertook during my 3 day class, and Im sure that ill be going back for the advanced class soon :) xoxo LLM

First attempt at Fashion Illustration on Illustrator!

Not to take all of the credit; i will admit that its a collage of images taken from the internet and chopped up then manipulated to within an inch of their lives and then put together the way I chose… Not bad for a first EVER attempt at this type of work, i think. But will defo keep practicing.

The point of taking apart images which already exist then manipulating them, is that you learn how to use a much wider verity of tools while having a nice, creative outcome. This was one of many tasks that i undertook during my 3 day class, and Im sure that ill be going back for the advanced class soon :) xoxo LLM

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